About us

As parents of two dyslexic children (now young women) we have experienced first-hand how limited school resources can hold children back. It seems sometimes children need to fail before they are given help, but at such a young age this help can come too late.

Because we know that early intervention can make such a difference to a child’s education and future, we have designed our free to use websites (and plan to create others) that we hope will help, support and empower parents/carers and teachers to logically and progressively support and help their children to develop at a pace that best suits them.

We believe that every child matters, not some more than others, this is why the site is completely free (on a non-commercial basis). By sharing our knowledge, we hope that you will be able to help and support your child in ways we wish we had known about and had access to when our girls were younger.

The aim of our web sites is to provide parents and schools with information and tips on how to help their children if they are struggling and just need a little help to catch up.

Our first web site teachhandwriting.co.uk provides information on how to teach handwriting to children.

Our second web site teachphonics.co.uk provides information on how to teach children the phonics skills they need to help them read and spell.

Teach Phonics

The Teach Phonics website was developed to provide everything you need to teach, and support, children learning phonics.

It’s focus is on children but everything on the website applies equally to anybody wanting to improve their english phonics knowledge.

Our aim at Teach Phonics is to explain how to support your child in learning to read and spell using phonics. Phonics is the simple process of linking sounds to letters, its complexity comes from how many sounds to letter combinations there are. So, to be good at phonics a child needs to know both the sounds and letters of English and then learn the associations between the two.

Our website is free to use (for non-commercial purposes only) and includes information and resources to teach phonics.

Teach Handwriting

The Teach Handwriting website was developed to provide everything you need to teach, and support, children learning handwriting.

It’s focus is on children but everything on the website applies equally to anybody wanting to improve their handwriting.

We believe we are the most comprehensive (and free!) website dedicated to handwriting.

Our aim is to support and empower schools, parents and carers so that they can logically and progressively help children develop a comfortable, speedy, fluid and legible handwriting style.

As well as providing this free to use website (for non-commercial purposes only) we sell a whole school teaching scheme that complies with all the UK National Curriculums and provide whole school training on how to teach handwriting.

Trusted by public, private, academy, special and International schools for our comprehensive, practical and flexible approach to teaching handwriting.